Price and Service Notice

As of January 2025

Wills & Lasting Powers of Attorney


  • Standard Single Will: from £375 plus VAT

  • Standard Mirror Wills (Couple): from £500 plus VAT

  • Standard Mirror Wills (Couple) with Trust Provisions: from £700 plus VAT

  • Arranging for the Severance of a Joint Tenancy: from £75 plus VAT

Lasting Powers of Attorney

There are two types of Lasting Powers of Attorney - Property & Financial Affairs (LPAPF) and Health & Welfare (LPAHW).

  • 1 x Lasting Power of Attorney (either LPAPF or LPAHW): from £575 plus VAT and Disbursements

  • 2 x Lasting Powers of Attorney (both LPAPF and LPAHW): from £700 plus VAT and Disbursements

  • 4 x Lasting Powers of Attorney (couple - both LPAPF and LPAHW each): from £900 plus VAT and Disbursements)

Administration of Estate

Legal Costs

There are two main elements to the legal costs associated with winding up an uncontested deceased’s estate which will normally include obtaining a Grant of Probate or Letters of Administration, paying liabilities, reporting to HMRC on tax and distributing the estate:

  • Our Charges

  • Expenses we must pay out on your behalf

Our Charges

Please refer to the tab ‘Hourly Rates’.

Costs will depend on the size and complexity of the estate and whether Inheritance Tax is chargeable. On average, a non-tax paying estate takes 10 to 15 hours to complete charged at our hourly rates as listed above. On average, a tax paying estate takes 20 to 50 hours to complete. We will provide you with an engagement letter once instructed with an estimate of our charges for your specific case.

The exact number of hours it will take depends on the circumstances of your case, such as:

  • The number of client meetings, volume of correspondence and telephone calls;

  • Is there a valid Will;

  • The size and nature of the estate;

  • Whether there is a foreign element;

  • Taxation issues;

  • Number and location of beneficiaries;

  • Debts and liabilities;

  • Freehold/Leasehold property considerations; and

  • Whether there are Trusts involved.

If there is a valid Will, no inheritance tax to pay and the estate does not include any shareholdings, our charges are likely to be at the lower end of this range. Please note that additional amounts may be payable for our charges and/or expenses if for example there is no Will, the assets or tax situations are complex or distribution of the estate is contested.

We reserve the right to increase the hourly rates if the work done is particularly complex or urgent, or the nature of your instructions require us to work outside normal office hours. If this happens, we will notify you in advance and agree an appropriate rate.

We will review our hourly rates on a periodic basis. This is usually done each January. We will give you advance notice of any change to our hourly rates.

Our charges do not include VAT, which we will add to your bill at the prevailing rate.


We would usually expect to incur certain expenses on your behalf which we will also add to your bill. The amount of expenses can vary and the following is an estimate only:

  • Court Fees: £300 (if estate is over £5,000)

  • Copies of Grant: £1.50 each

  • Statutory Notices in London Gazette & Local Paper: £300 +VAT approximately

  • Law Systems Probate Plus: £120 +VAT

Likely Timescale & Key Stages

Administration of estates usually take 6 to 9 months from receiving your instructions to distribution. This is on the basis that there is a valid Will, there is no inheritance tax to pay and the estate does not include any shareholdings. If there are additional issues as detailed above, the administration will take longer. We will advise you if and when this occurs.

Most matters of this nature involve the following key stages (subject to the complexities of the estate):

  • Gathering information - 4 to 6 weeks

  • Preparation of papers for submission to the Court - 2 to 3 weeks

  • Dealing with post grant issues including transfer or sale of assets, collection of cash assets and payments of liabilities: 12 to 26 weeks (longer if tax paying estate)

  • Distribution to beneficiaries (after tax clearance if tax paying estate): 2 to 4 weeks

The ‘Estimated total legal costs’ do not include:

  • The sale or transfer of any property forming part of the estate;

  • Providing tax advice or dealing with HMRC enquiries about inheritance tax;

  • Providing accountancy advice: and

  • Providing advice on the validity of a Will.


Residential Property

We will provide you with a clear and accurate estimate of our charges in writing on application. Please note that an increase may be applied if the number of client meetings, volume of correspondence and telephone calls are excessive.

As a guide only our range of charges for the sale and purchase of standard properties which are registered at the Land Registry, are not listed buildings, have no apparent complex issues and which reflect the risk to the firm are as follows:

Sale/Purchase Price Freehold (plus VAT) Leasehold (plus VAT)
Sale Purchase Sale Purchase
£0 to £250,000 £1,150 £1,250 £1,300 £1,400
£250,001 to £300,000 £1,200 £1,300 £1,325 £1,450
£300,001 to £350,000 £1,250 £1,350 £1,350 £1,500
£350,001 to £400,000 £1,300 £1,400 £1,400 £1,550
£400,001 to £450,000 £1,350 £1,450 £1,450 £1,600
£450,001 to £500,000 £1,400 £1,500 £1,500 £1,650
£500,001 to £550,000 £1,450 £1,550 £1,550 £1,700
£550,001 to £600,000 £1,500 £1,600 £1,600 £1,750
£600,001 to £650,000 £1,550 £1,650 £1,650 £1,850
£650,001 to £700,000 £1,600 £1,750 £1,700 £1,950
£700,000 plus POA - Generally 0.25% POA - Generally 0.3%
Transfer of Equity Mortgage Against Property No Mortgage Against Property
Freehold (plus VAT) Leasehold (plus VAT) Freehold (plus VAT) Leasehold (plus VAT)
From £1,000 From £1,100 From £900 From £1,000
Transfer of Equity & Re-Mortgage POA - Generally from £1,150 POA - Generally from £1,200 POA - Generally from £950 POA - Generally from £1,100
Re-Mortgage Freehold (plus VAT) Leasehold (plus VAT)
From £900 From £950
Additional Charges
New Build £350
HTB Equity Loan or Shared Ownership £500
HTB ISA or LISA (per ISA or LISA) £50
HTB Redemption Only (no further borrowing) £750
HTB Redemption (with sale/re-mortgage) £350
Freehold with Management Company £150
Declaration of Trust From £350 (subject to complexity)
Unregistered Property £150
Transfer of Part £250
Solar Panels/Septic Tank £100
Statutory Declaration/Statement of Trust £75
Bespoke Indemnity Policy £75
Deed of Variation From £250 (subject to complexity)
Separate Representation for Lender (when acting for the buyer) £150 to £350 (subject to complexity)
Administrating a Retention £250
Building Safety Act £250
Retirement Property £250
Purchase in Name of a Limited Company From £150
Property Subject to a Tenancy From £150

The ‘Estimated total legal costs’ shown above assumes that the property to be sold is registered at the Land Registry with no unusual, related issues.

If a matter or transaction does not reach a conclusion, we reserve the right to charge for the work done using our normal hourly rate charging basis as under ‘Hourly Rates’ above. This applies even where an estimate has been agreed for the whole matter.

Our charges do no include VAT which we will add to your bill at the prevailing rate.


Even where we have provided an estimate of our charges, we would usually expect to incur certain expenses on your behalf which we will also add to your bill. The amount of expenses can vary and the following is an estimate only:

Estimated Amount VAT Chargeable
Land Registry Fees £7 to £60 No
Freeholder/Management Company Fee From £350 Yes
Indemnity Insurance Premium for Defective Title, Missing Building Regulation Documents etc Premium Dependent on Risk Yes
Telegraphic Transfer Fee £40 per Transfer Yes
Search Pack £350 approx. Yes
Land Registry & Bankruptcy Searches From £20 No
Telegraphic Transfer Fee £40 per Transfer Yes
Notification of Transfer to 3rd Party POA Yes
Deed of Covenant or Certificate of Compliance POA Yes

For Land Registry Fees, please see the Land Registry’s online calculator:

For Stamp Duty Land Tax fees, please see the Government’s online calculator:!/intro

Likely Timescale and Key Stages

Completion of property transactions are often dependent on matters beyond our control. For example, a purchase may depend on the issue of a mortgage offer from a lender or the seller’s related purchase. You will be advised of any likely delay by us, your mortgage broker or estate agent.